Transcript of Hope This Finds Me Well Episode 7. Jessica: Processing Grief and Preserving Memories
Jessica When I wrote the letter, I had these details about the day that she died that I wanted to remember. But I didn’t really want to share with anyone. But I was afraid that I might forget some of them. And I realised that over time I actually had. And so when I read the letter, it sort of brought those memories flooding back. But it was actually really healing. [theme music fades in]
MP Hi, this is Hope This Finds Me Well, a podcast about the past & future versions of ourselves and what we want to tell them.
If you’re new to the podcast, I’m Maria, and I have two co-hosts — Sophie and Steph
SS Hello!
SC Salut!
MP Each week we bring you a conversation with someone who once wrote a letter to their future self. Now, that letter has been delivered back to them, and they share with us how it felt to read their words from the past, and what’s changed in their life since. Last week we spoke to Rory in Ireland, who had written a letter when he was just seven weeks into fatherhood, and figuring out how to look after this new human. Today, we look at care-giving in a different stage of life. Our guest’s letter deals with end of life, grief, and balancing our responsibilities for others and ourselves. Before we hear this powerful letter from Jessica, I want to quickly preface this “gloomy” topic. I think talking about dying relatives, and hospice care in particular is one of those things that is often instantly shut down. It can be seen as undignified, or dirty, or taboo, and honestly it creeps me out a bit too. But the only way you can break taboos is to expose them and normalise the subject, and I really think that Jessica does a great job of that in this letter, and in our conversation. I feel that the more we hear these kinds of stories the easier it will be to talk about them ourselves, and maybe even deal with these situations, in our own lives. What do you think? Do you find it hard to talk about death?
SC I think other people find it hard to talk about death. And I think that yeah, I agree. The more conversations we have, in the way that like the more times you experience people dying or caring for other people who are dying, the easy, doesn’t become easy. But the more normal it becomes because you know what to expect or something. And I think in talking about that, you can kind of do that as well.
SS Yeah, I always feel like talking about it is not particularly difficult for me. But sometimes thinking about it and kind of letting it like fester in my mind, I kind of spiral sometimes when I start thinking about it, whether it’s like about my own or other people, sometimes in your mind, you can like really kind of spiral out of control and to like, ‘what does it all mean? How’s it going to happen? What am I doing from like now and then? Is it meaningful?’ Like you just kind of ask yourself bigger questions, inevitably, when you’re either thinking or talking about death? And I think that’s what kind of makes it hard as well.
MP Yeah, I think sometimes when when you are feeling like you want to talk about it, someone else might not be as well, right? So at the moment, my, my granny who’s like 93, or something, she’s suddenly getting a little bit frail. And so it’s kind of becoming a bit of a topic, not about her dying, but about you know, how to give her sort of easier facilities and things like that. And sometimes, I mean, it’s obviously important to have these conversations, but sometimes it will come up and I’ll be like, ‘I don’t want to talk about this right now.’ But you have to and then and then if I want to another time, it’s like, well, maybe the person I’m talking to is, is having a really cheerful day at it. But you don’t, I don’t know you can’t, you can’t just not talk about it ever for fear of like, upsetting someone. Because I think that’s the point is that the more you do talk about it, the less upsetting it will be.
SS Oh, definitely.
SC That’s interesting for me to hear, because I don’t I don’t know if this is something about me or just something about how many people I’ve seen die or how many conversations I’ve had about death, but I don’t even associate like, I don’t feel sadness. When I talk about death. I’ve talked to both my parents, I want you to tell me what’s your death plan and you know what’s gonna happen after you die? And I feel not much when we talk about it.
MP That’s good.
SS Yeah, that’s great. I think. I also think it’s like somewhat ingrained in our like, particularly like westernized culture, death and dying is something we’re kind of taught to, like, be scared of, because you know, you have these like really sad funerals. You have these, like really sad graveyards, and all that kind of stuff. But there’s different cultures who celebrate death and think about death in like completely different ways. Like, you know, in Mexican culture, there’s like the Day of the Dead, and that’s when they like your family comes back, and you can celebrate them and they don’t really kind of go away because your memories of them stay with you all the time. So I do think there’s different ways of thinking about death and like, our culture is a particularly I don’t know, kind of grim one sometimes.
SC Yeah, I think about that a lot too, because like I was raised, pretty Catholic. And I don’t think that my particular like family’s way of dealing with death is like how I want to deal with my own death. I think I want to be like more celebratory and less grief focused, but I do think that the people in my family that believe in like God and afterlife and, and this kind of stuff have a different relationship with death and dying than I do as someone who doesn’t believe. Right. And I always think about how beautiful that is, like, I remember when my Nana was dying, you know, it was something that I was so grateful for that she had this practice and belief because she really thought, you know, while she was like having the worst time of her life dying of cancer or like not able to sleep, you know, all this horrible, like, in horrible pain, she would, you know, say things like, ‘Oh, I know, I’m going to like, see your Nono, like, I’m going to see my, my husband on the other side. And people come to me in my sleep’ and you know, this kind of stuff that she really believed and it never felt, I always thought, ‘Oh, it’s gonna feel like, oh, that’s not true. That’s so stupid.’ And I’m gonna be like, grumpy about it or something. But instead, I was like, What a beautiful thing that that, that she has this while she’s struggling this like belief that there is something else and like how powerful that could be to get you through a hard time. Or make it make it not get you through like not gonna like not die from cancer, but like, allow you to cope with the pain that you’re experiencing.
SS Totally.
MP It also has elements of what we’ll hear Jessica talking about with her own mother and her mother’s relationship to spirituality. And I think that that possibly gave Jessica a sense of comfort that her mom, just as you’re saying with your grandma, you know, it’s like, knowing that she had these beliefs is easier for her to, it’s easier for you to see them coping. Does that make sense?
SS Yeah, totally.
MP But she was also her mother’s primary caregiver at the end of her life. I think for anyone that is a huge task and a lot of weight, especially when you’re also having to look after your own children and balancing that and working and she’s getting a qualification at the same time that that’s a lot of pressure. Yeah. But even if it was just the caregiving, I mean, that is something that none of us are really prepared for, I think, and it’s very demanding.
SS I also think about that a lot in terms of like our family structures, I think about the people that I’ve lost, and in my family specifically, and how our family structure was built in a way that supports that, you know, I was raised very Italian and family’s very central. And so there’s there is like this built in assumption that when you get sick or when you’re going to die, like everyone will sort of rally around you. And that has happened my whole life every time someone sick, like extended extended family, and it’s really beautiful. But it also makes me worried or just think so much about like, what’s gonna happen when people like me die, right? Is that family structure going to become my chosen family? Is it going to become? What does that look like?
MP Who do you want around you?
SC Yeah. And also just like, what does that look like for people that like existing today at my age, and they’re they’re seeing their family members pass, but they don’t have the family structure that supports that. So do they rely more on like government services or hospice, or?
SS I think that just totally shows how much we do need really strong health care when it comes to long term care and elderly care. I think it’s just so important, because not everyone has the same support systems.
SC The one hospice center that I do have experience with is like the most beautiful care facility I’ve ever seen in my life, the people that work there, and the services they offer, and just like the vibe, they have, like a gazebo back that you can like sit in the sun in and there’s like forests around and there’s like volunteers that make different foods and stuff for the family that’s visiting. And just like that attitude of like, once you get there, you’ve accepted that they’re dying. And that this, this place is meant to make that more tolerable and less painful for everyone for the person who’s dying and for the people who are there as well. And I just think that’s such a beautiful concept that I didn’t even like know existed until the last 10 years of my life.
MP Well, yeah, I mean, everything that we’ve just spoken about read it the hospice care and and family care, and taboos and all of these things is such the focus of Jessica’s letter and our conversation with her. So I think we should probably just get into it and and let her introduce herself.
SS Yeah,
SC Yeah, I love this one.
Jessica My name is Jessica. I’m 32 years old, and I live in New York where I work as a Headstart teacher. I have two kids, and I’m a single mom.
SC What’s Head Start?
Jessica So Head Start is a federally funded programme in the US. That is for preschool children and pre k children who come from impoverished backgrounds, basically, kids from lower socio economic status. It’s a free preschool that addresses the developmental needs of the kids, but then also has social workers that work with the families to sort of better their, better their lives basically.
MP That’s huge.
SS Amazing
Jessica So should I go ahead and read the letter now?
MP Yeah, go for it!
“By the time you get this email, it will have been three years since mom died. I hope you’re coping better than I am not quite four months after her death. Here is a letter I wrote to her. If only she could read it.
Dear Mom, Oh, how I wish I could speak to you again. Just one more time. There’s so much I want to tell you. I never realised what a great listener you were, and how that was a type of therapy for me. I complained about coworkers, bragged about my kids. I shared my fears and anxieties. And occasionally my stubborn ass even took your advice. You were my therapist, my co parent and my best friend, I wish that I had showed you more kindness. I don’t know why I’m so uptight about showing emotion. I wish I had hugged you, kissed you and told you I love you more frequently. I held your hand as you died. But I understand now how much you must have craved human affection and touch. Even the kids began to become stingy with their displays of affection. Perhaps the decaying fragility of your body scared them away a bit. Perhaps it did the same to me.
The last night that you were conscious, I gave you a bunch of medication. The nurse had suggested it to help you sleep and to help me sleep as well. I hadn’t been sleeping and on some level you knew it. One of the last things you ever said to me was asking me if I had been up all night. I said no, but I had been. I’m sure you knew I was lying. But I hope you didn’t. You thanked me for taking care of you. When you had explosive diarrhoea, likely your last bowel movement before death. So it was extra disgusting. And I gagged and cried cleaning it. You said you were so sorry. You were dying. But you felt bad for me. That is motherly love. The last thing you said to me was to look at me with sympathy and pity in your eyes and to say your first Deathwatch, you were dying, but your concern was with me experiencing this milestone of life, watching a loved one die. I have barely slept for weeks, I was up at all hours of the night to take care of you and my last few voicemails from you. Are you begging me to wake up and come help you. Eventually you lost your ability to use the phone and add a screen for help to wake me up. I took two sleeping on an air mattress downstairs so I could hear you call for help. Do you know I still listen to your voicemails. I have old ones from a few years ago, up until a few days before your death. Many of them are simple requests for errands. They annoyed me then, I was so annoyed running all your errands. Now what I wouldn’t give to have to go out and buy your diet coke and cigarettes. I listened to them in chronological order and it tells a story. A few years ago, you might cough a little as a progress and as the dates are post cancer diagnosis, your coughing becomes worse. Your breathing is more laboured. At some point I stopped listening because I know the nighttime pleas for help begin. I can’t listen to those voicemails. Everyone from hospice told me I was doing a good job. I am after all, only human. I need to sleep sometime. I was told to give you a larger dose so you’d sleep better and so I could sleep. I didn’t know it’d be the last time you’d ever be conscious. Sometimes I wonder if the large dose is what drove you into that final stage before death? I’m sure it wasn’t. Still, there was a disgusting feeling I felt cramming those meltaways into your mouth just so I could sleep. I finally slept like a rock and for a long time, a mere five hours or so. But that was a long time to leave you alone. Did you ever wake up from that sleep? Did you cry out for help in the night? What did you think of me when I didn’t come to help you? You never woke again. You only lived another day. I asked the hospice nurse of people who became unresponsive ever woke up and I knew the answer but I had to hope. This is the point where I finally became comfortable sharing my feelings. I sat by your bedside. Watching Orange is the New Black and playing Fallout four. I occasionally reached over and held your hand. I’ve rubbed your hand and spoke loudly to your ear. They say that hearing is the last sense to go. I told you that I love you and that I was right there with you. And I would stay with you. Perhaps this was my guilty conscience asking for forgiveness for if you need me during the night. Why am I still guilty that I slept for five hours you would have wanted me to sleep and one of the last things you said to me after all, was worrying if I was up all night.
I didn’t know how much it would hurt until the moment it happened. I still needed you. I’ve never felt more alone in these past three months since you died. You’re in a cardboard box on a shelf in my kitchen. I don’t know what to do with you. I know you wanted to be scattered in New Orleans. I will keep some of you, my daughter and I would like necklaces to hold a bit of your ashes. And my brother may be interested in having some ashes as well. Oh, my brother, we finally began talking today after you died. It made me so mad that he didn’t come around and make an effort to apologise and make it up to us while you’re still alive. I wish you could have seen us makeup. Our relationship isn’t perfect, but it’s improving. I know that’s all you wanted for us.
I can’t tell you how frequently something happens and I begin to file it in the ‘tell mom when I get home’ section of my brain, only to feel a sharp pain. When I realised I can’t tell you. No one cares about my kids like you did. I have no one who really cares to share their little triumphs with even their dad doesn’t really care, not about little things. Anyway, my daughter’s playing the keyboard you bought us. She made select chorus and we’ll find out next week if she made select band. You’d be so proud of her musical endeavours. I know you took pride in mine. Sometimes I worry about her behaviour. I wish I had you to help me raise her right. My son is such a smart little guy. He’s doing so well in school. But he’s so scared of death now. He misses you at night and he worries about me and him dying. I’ve accomplished a lot at work. I haven’t gotten my last teaching certification exam done. And I’m still using your death as an excuse. I’m close to better days though. They’re coming as soon as I get my lazy ass in gear.
A year from now I should be doing well for myself. I wish you would live to see it. I wish you could look down upon me. Before you died, I prayed. I prayed that if there is a God and an afterlife, that I would have some sort of spiritual experience when you died, that I feel your soul leaving your body or I’d see your ghost that you’d visit me in dreams like your parents did to you. I swore I would change my life. devote myself to God. And when I was wrong, teach my children religion. I felt nothing. Honestly, your soul was gone the night before you died when you fell asleep, and never hopefully woke up again. I wish you could have seen my degree. I graduated magna cum laude a despite having two kids, no money and an abusive husband. A mom dying of a million things at once. I graduated magna cum-laude. I couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you. I love you. Your daughter, Jessica.”
SS Thank you, Jessica.
MP Yeah.
SS I’m like choking up a little bit.
SC What a great letter. Can we pause to take a moment and be like congrats for your life? You’re so cool. You’ve done so much and accomplished so much. I’m like [claps].
Jessica Thank you so much.
MP Obviously, it’s given us a strong reaction. How did you feel getting this back?
Jessica Oh, well, I got it back on the third anniversary of her death. And of course, I hadn’t even remembered that I sent it. And it was, it was interesting, because when I wrote the letter, I had these details about the day that she died that I wanted to remember. But I didn’t really want to share with anyone because who really wants to know these graphic details. But I was afraid that I might forget some of them. And I realised that over time I actually had. And so when I read the letter, I sort of brought those memories flooding back. But it was healing in a way because obviously in the letter, I feel really guilty over the events that happen. But having three years to sort of move on and look back at it with more clarity, I realised that I didn’t really have anything to feel guilty over. So it was actually really healing to read the letter. And to just look back with a little wisdom.
SC I’m so glad to hear you say that.
MARA Yeah me too.
SC That my number one thought was like, you know, guilt is such a horrible, horrible emotion. And I think one that we all feel often.
SS Especially with grief.
SC Yeah, especially with grief. And it’s like so consuming. And I’m, I’m so glad to hear that you, you no longer feel bad because it sounds like well, first of all, because it’s not a useful emotion to feel ever. But second of all, because you did so much. And that’s apparent without even knowing you at all, like just from this letter, you seem like you cared so much for her. So it’s it’s beautiful that you can see that in yourself.
Jessica Thank you.
SS Did you write a lot of letters to yourself? Or was a certain time in your life where you just thought I really need to write a letter to myself.
Jessica Well, I had used the FutureMe website before. But when I wrote this particular email, I think I wrote one to be sent to myself on the one year anniversary of her death. And then this one, and then those are the only ones that I’ve written about, you know, her death in the event surrounding it sort of just as a way to cope at that time, I guess and to get those, those feelings and those events down. Somewhere they can be recorded. But it’s not something that I make a normal practice of doing regularly.
Some of the moments of the last few things that she said to me, they were over the course of a couple of days, because she was in and out of consciousness. And I remember… well when you’re waiting for someone to die, and they’re only speaking to you and little bits and pieces here and there, you never really know what is going to be the last thing they say to you. And it it occurred to me this was, you know, a couple months later, those things that she said to me ended up being her last words, and I can’t forget those because somewhere down the line, you know, I’m going to want to look back and think what was the last thing my mom ever said to me. And those last few things, were all examples of her caring more about me, dealing with her death and caring about herself. So those were mainly the, the things I wanted to remember, you know, the good and bad aspects of it.
MP Was your mom, the sort of person that always cared about other people more than herself?
Jessica Absolutely. She was someone who just devoted everything she had to her kids, and then later on to her grandkids, and she was always just helping random people, neighbours and, and friends of the family. She had told me a lot of stories of loved ones, friends and family that she had taken care of when they were dying from an early age. And my mom, actually, when she was young worked as a beautician. And she had actually done some of the post mortem hair and makeup on some of her friends who passed away. Because, you know, in the olden days, it was a little bit more normal to keep the body at home with you for a few days in the house and everything. So it was just interesting after having heard those stories, and I hadn’t personally experienced death myself, but to be on the other side of that, and trying to remember the things that she told me that she did, that I was now doing for her.
SC Something that stood out in your letter that you just said was that this was like your first death. I can’t remember what-
Jessica — first death watch.
SC I have had this conversation only recently with a few of my friends. I’m 30, which I think is like, pretty young. But I know so many people that have died and very close to me. And I don’t know if that’s like, because of my family structure or what, but I have so many friends that have never had anyone that they know, close to them. And I, I mean, I say that lightly, but I really can’t imagine what that would be like if, I feel like I almost have like some sort of weird privilege. Because I know so many people in my family that I’ve been quite close to that have died. Obviously it sucks every time but I have like gone through those feelings and seeing them die in hospice. Like I know the process. And I just, I really feel for you that the first time that you went through that and like the confusion of even just what Hospice is…that that was with someone so precious to you, I would be so disorienting.
Jessica Yeah, it was definitely challenging. I don’t have a lot of family. And what little bit of family I do have is scattered in different states, and I hadn’t seen them since I was a little kid. So I pretty much only had my mom and my brother. So I mean, I had some relatives pass away. But I had never been to a funeral or, you know, actually been with someone when they were dying. And and at the time, my grandparents had already passed away some before I’d even been born, my father passed away, but I wasn’t…. I only met him once in my life. So not only was I losing my mom, losing my first person who’s close to me, but she was also my last remaining, I guess, ancestor having no grandparents, no parents left alive. So yeah, it was definitely a lot to deal with. Sometimes I do sort of envy my kids, because even though they’ve had to go through losing their grandmother, now they dealt with that at an early age. So when the time comes and they have to deal with losing me, at least they kind of already know how it goes.
MP One thing that struck me when we were talking to Jessica, is how pragmatic she is. She seems to be one of those people — maybe because she’s a teacher? — that just gets stuff done and sees the big picture. And also, super practical. Firstly, she has the clarity of mind to think that she might want to look back on her memories of those last few days,
and writes this letter, and the one delivered on the first anniversary of her mum’s death. And then secondly, she has the foresight to preserve her mum’s voice,
which she — and potentially future generations too — can listen to at any point.
SS What stood out to me about your letter is, well one of my favourite parts is that you would listen to voicemail. And that made me want to like call people more and to have people call me more because I feel like I only really text people now. Maybe the occasional voice note or voice memo. Do you still have those voicemails?
Jessica I do still have the voicemails, they’re backed up on an external hard drive. I don’t listen to them regularly. I did listen to them on Mother’s Day last year, I was having a rough day. So I did. One of the reasons why I like to save them is because my mom was from New Orleans and she had just a weird accent. There’s just, there’s no one in the world that sounds exactly like her. So It is nice sometimes to hear her voice. I don’t listen to them regularly, but I will never delete them. I have to save them.
SC Did you know that your mom was dying? Was there a diagnosis? And then you knew she was dying for a while? Or was it a rapid thing?
Jessica Well, she had a lot of health issues and actually had been disabled since I was nine years old. So her being sick, was nothing new to me. She was given a prognosis of only a few months, multiple times and outlived it. But in this particular case, she had been diagnosed with lung cancer six months prior. And it was in its final stage, it was already spreading. They said she had about three to four months to live. And so that was why we set up the hospice care. And she had always said that she just wanted to hang on until I got through college, because I needed her to help watch the kids when I wasn’t home from class and everything. And she managed to hang on for six months, until I finished my student teaching semester. And it was literally, I think two weeks after I finished student teaching was when she finally let go and passed away.
SC I’m so sorry that that was happening at the same time as you going through school. But I do you think, that like is a testament to how strong your mother is?
Jessica Yeah definitely. The average lifespan after diagnosis for this particular cancer is only three to four months, and to have so many other health issues and still hang on for that long. was just crazy.
SC Was your mom religious? Sorry, I’m really asking so many questions.
Jessica Oh, it’s totally fine. So my mom, interestingly enough, before I was born, was actually a nun. She was a nun for many years. Yeah. She, she lived 100 lives, but she felt the calling to be a mother and she left the convent. And she had me and my brother later on in life. And in the end, I think her religious views changed a lot. She was also really into politics and social justice. And she sort of hated the direction that the church was going in with scandals and everything, to the point that when hospice, sent a priest to her house, and she cursed him out and ran him out of the house. Yeah. So she was personally spiritual, but she was no longer a member of the church.
MP Wow what a journey!
SS Yeah that is a journey from nun to… that, like, that’s wild.
MP From nun to none!
SS Nice, Maria.
Jessica If she wrote a memoir, that would be the perfect title.
SS I feel like you do touch on your own faith a little bit near the end of the letter.
Jessica “I prayed that if there is a God and an afterlife, that I would have some sort of spiritual experience when you died, that I feel your soul leaving your body or I’d see your ghost”
SS Did this whole experience, kind of put your faith into perspective?
Jessica So I stopped being religious as probably as a young teenager, but still, you know, they say every atheist, if they’re in a life or death situation, will suddenly start praying. And I’m one of those people like, if I’m about to get in a car accident, you just go back to that.
What was interesting was, the hospice nurse, when she brought the care box of different drugs, there was one for if the person begins to hallucinate, which is very common when you’re dying, and I remember my mom saying that she didn’t want us to use that drug, because she still believed in, like ghosts and angels and apparitions. And so if she was going to see something, as she was crossing into death, she wanted to see it. And interestingly enough, she did mentioned some dead relatives. And at one point, she told me, there was a dead man sitting in the corner. And I was like, oh, should I get the medicine? And she’s like, no, it’s fine. He’s not hurting me.
So there was a part of me, that was really hoping that, you know, if my mom was going to pass away, this wasn’t going to be final, that she would be a spirit that she would look down on me. So I kind of had that moment of like, God, if you’re up there, if you’re listening, now’s your chance to show me that you’re really there. Let me have some sort of spiritual interaction with my mom. And I’ll turn my life around and become spiritual. Unfortunately, I didn’t have any sort of interaction like that at all.
MP You mentioned that she had dreams where like relatives kind of came back to her. Can you tell us anything about that? Do you remember any of the stories she told you?
Jessica I know that she had a very strained relationship with her mother. And it was her mother who appeared to her in her dreams the most. And she always said it was because her mother was so spiteful, that she was haunting her now. And those stories always stuck out to me as a kid, I think her mom would just show up in her dreams and criticise her. I think that’s what made me hopeful that, you know, because my mom and I had a good relationship, if her mom could haunt her through her dreams. Surely my mom could haunt me. And interestingly enough, I do have dreams about my mom. And she’s almost always mad at me in my dream. I’ve always screwed up somehow, and she’s fussing at me for something.
MP Please, can we just pause and talk about ghosts and haunting and dreams. First, and I think it’s so difficult of human nature that in our dreams, we imagine the worst and like, Jessica is dreaming that her mom is berating her. But also I want to know and Steph, you touched on this in the intro with your Nonna, or, or maybe her experiences, but have either of you experienced any contact with a dead relative? Do you believe in that kind of thing?
SS Okay, so…
MP Oh, let’s get into this!
SS No, I’ve never had an experience. And I think maybe I haven’t had an experience because I tell myself, it’s not real. I still don’t know how I stand on ghosts. Like —
SC How much of seeing is believing? And how much believing is seeing?
SS No, exactly. Sometimes I do feel like with ghosts, it might be like a psychological thing. Like if you do think they’re real, that maybe you’ll tell yourself a shadow is a ghost. But I also don’t want to like demean people’s supernatural experiences.
SC I have had a lot of ghost stories, which I will spare us the details from but I also don’t know if they’re real still, though, even after those experiences, you know, like, you never really know. I’m a pretty practical person as well. You know, I’m like, Well, where’s the proof that this wasn’t just like, my bad mental health, you know? Or, like, maybe I was really tired and seeing things or something or took too much Benadryl or something like, who knows? But I do think there’s like this cool thing that happened just because we were talking about my Nonna, she had moments where she saw people coming to her you know, in her sleep and her whole life, it was something that we talked about like all the time, and she saw you know more as like an angel thing because she was religious. So she believes that people are sort of like after they pass they are becoming angels and like exist in this like heaven or ether in between space and they can visit you or pass like knowledge or care on to you, which is such a beautiful concept. But also after she died my my cousin who am like very close to you was getting married and on the day of her wedding, she was sitting outside and you know, I was texting her and she was like ‘If you if you thought Nonna was an animal, like could be reincarnated as an animal. What animal would you think she was?’ And I was like, ‘I don’t know. It’s such a weird question. I’m not sure something proud or whatever.’ And she’s like, ‘Yeah, it’s so weird. I was sitting outside having an espresso this morning. And a hawk came down in the middle of my lawn.’ She lives in Toronto. ‘A hawk came down middle of my lawn, sat on the lawn and just stared at me for like 10 minutes while I was drinking coffee. And then it flew away. And I had this moment where I was like, this is Nonna!’ And I was like, oh that’s wild. And then it happened again! The hawk came back and then left. Isn’t that wild? Like it is a bizarre thing. And and then it’s a bizarre thing to have your automatic thought when that’s writing be like, ‘Oh, this is my Nonna’.
SS Yeah, but I also think that speaks to like the powerfulness of your Nonna probably like the fact that like, oh, you both thought, yeah, that like this very powerful bird —
SC Bird of prey.
SS Yeah.
MP Yeah. A little bit scary. Was she a bit scary?
SC Oh, yeah.
SS You do mention that she was a co parent with you. Is there anything that you do in your day to day life parenting that you learned from her? Or that you still see, that you kind of pass it along to your kids?
Jessica Well, my mom moved in with us when my kids were quite young, because she had a lot of health issues and couldn’t afford to live on her own. But what’s interesting is that my mom was a really strict parent, but a very lenient grandparent who spoiled my kids. I used to tell them all the time, that’s not the same woman that raised me. I think I’m more lenient than she was. But when I have to be firm, or be strict, the voice that comes out of my mouth, is my mother’s, it might not have the weird accent. But it sounds a lot like her to the point that I’ll even start throwing the word y’all around, like y’all need to get in here and clean up this room. I can definitely yell at my kids the same way that my mom did, I don’t do it often, but…
She was just someone who devoted every bit of her life to my brother and I, she didn’t really date or, or do things for her. Mostly, she cared about trying to improve our lives. And she, you know, had a lot of financial issues and was just always giving everything that she had towards us. And that’s something that I kind of do a lot with my kids as well, as I’ve been on this upward journey of trying to survive in modern day on one income, which is really hard, just kind of trying to remember how much she gave up to make sure that my brother and I had good lives. I tried to follow in her footsteps with that.
SC I mean, I think you… I’m proud of you, in the least condescending way and the most like supportive way.
Jessica Well thank you, that means a lot.
SC I want to ask, and we don’t have to talk about it much or as much as you’re comfortable with. But you mentioned like briefly that you had an abusive partner, and now you have a single income. So I’m assuming that you have left said partner?
Jessica Yes. So I had actually left him about a year before my mom passed away. So when my mom moved in, she lived with us for several years. And I really tried to hide things from her. And for a long time, she thought that he was a great husband. But um, I mean, when you live in the same house with someone, you really can’t hide it. So she started to see more and more. And she kind of walked a fine line between urging me to leave and leaving me to figure out, you know, this battle on my own. But when I did finally get a job and be able to move out, of course, she moved with me. And she was completely supportive. And then once I moved out, I mean, it was basically her and I are raising the kids.
SS I’m glad you had her there.
Jessica Yeah, the kids were lucky to have had her there.
MP You mentioned a bit about your brother, and how it seems like you didn’t really have a relationship before your mum’s death. And then afterwards, you were kind of patching things up as you wrote this letter? Where are things at now? If you’re happy to talk about it?
Jessica Yeah, absolutely. My brother and I had had a falling out probably about six or seven years before my mom died. And we hadn’t talked to each other. And when he cut me off, he also had to cut my mom off because we live together. And my mom wasn’t involved in the fight at all. So it was really unfair, that she got cut out. But I think it got to the point where it was just easier not to reconcile. And when she was dying, I was trying to get in touch with him but I was blocked on Facebook, I didn’t know his phone number.
And the day that she died, I ended up creating a Facebook account for my daughter, and finding him and sending him a message. And I was a little bit cold. Because I didn’t know how he would react. I was like, just so you know, mom passed away. And I’m going to the funeral home tomorrow. So if you’d like to come see the body, meet me at such and such address. And I’ll never forget him I saw him typing and I was holding my breath waiting to see what he was going to say. And he just said, I’ll be there tomorrow, I love you. And he’s not someone who really openly shared his affection with me. So for him to say that I mean, I just broke down crying and it helps so much to to have my big brother with me there, as I dealt with, you know, the papers at the funeral home and everything. And we’ve reconciled he has a son the same age as my daughter. We get together fairly regularly and we talk a lot. And we’ve never really discussed the stuff that we had a falling out over. But I think we’ve just put it behind us and and moved on. So her death is really what brought us back together.
So I mean, it’s really sad that she didn’t get to see it, because it absolutely broke her heart. It broke her heart that her son wasn’t talking to her but I think even more so that our relationship was damaged because my mom did not have a good relationship with her siblings, which is why I had you know, no aunts and uncles really around me or anything. She didn’t talk to anyone in her family. So for my brother and I, to not be talking was just the worst thing I think, as a mom that she could imagine.
SC Where is the cardboard box of ashes? And have you been to New Orleans?
MP Yes!
Jessica So the cardboard box of ashes is on top of my refrigerator.
MP No!
Jessica I was forbidden to buy an urn, my mom always said, just put me in a cardboard box. And that’s it. She was very practical and did not want money to be wasted on her. I did have a trip planned to go in the spring to New Orleans, there are these amazing Live Oak trees in City Park in New Orleans, which are just these amazingly huge trees with long branches that go down to the ground. And all the kids would climb up on them and slide down them to the point that the bark is worn smooth, and they’re just beautiful. And she loved those trees. And she was like, I don’t care what you have to do, smuggle me into that part, and scatter me around the trees. So that you know, I can get absorbed into them. And then unfortunately, with COVID, I had to postpone my trip. But I am hoping by next spring to go and I’m going to keep a little bit in a little necklace, see if my brother wants a little bit. But the majority of her is finally going to be back home in New Orleans.
But in the meantime, she’s in the kitchen, which is the heart of the home where she usually was. And when I do something stupid, like burn something or whatever, I’ll talk to her.
She had a very grim sense of humour, a very morbid sense of humour. Like one day, weeks before she died. She said to me completely out of the blue. I’m making an effort to die in my chair instead of my bed. And I was like, why on earth would you say that? And she’s like, well, your daughter needs a new bed. And this is a perfectly good bed. But if I die in it, she’s never gonna want to sleep in it. But, that was just like the way her humour was. And she was very practical. So every now and then I’ll crack a joke. But it’s really more for my sake than hers, obviously.
[music rise]
I think I’d like to write a follow up to this letter to my mom again, but coming from a different place, because when I wrote that letter, I was very guilty. I was grieving. I didn’t really know what the future held for me. And now I feel like even though it’s only been three years, I’ve gained so much wisdom in these three years, going from being you know, the daughter, who’s also a mom, to suddenly being the matriarch of the family really, really, and being for the first time really completely on my own. I’d like to write it again, as an update of what I have managed to accomplish on my own without her. And actually I might have to go on and do that.
SS Yay. Let us know if you do.
SC Yeah, let us know if you do and I hope you find strength in that aloneness because you sound like a very strong caring person.
Jessica Thank you. It’s intimidating. But yeah, I think in some ways, it has helped me find strength.
MP Ugh! I think that Jessica is amazing. She is so powerful. And such a good mom I’m sure.
SC It was so nice to hear that when she read her letter, her reaction was ‘Oh, my gosh, I’ve grown so much.’
MP Yeah, such a relief.
SC And how powerful and I think when I was reading her letter, I was like, ‘Oh, man, I hope this person is like finding their way with grief and grieving and getting through that.’ And then to talk to her. I was like, just so happy and such a beautiful thing that she found that in herself.
SS Yeah, I know. I thought her letter was just so open and raw and honest. And I felt that when I was like talking to her, too.
SC There were some things that we talked about that I thought maybe we would be like, Oh, are you comfortable talking about this, like her relationship with her brother, you know, her her mom’s relationship with faith or her relationship with faith and these topics that I think most people would skirt around or treat as, like taboo, and she was just so open about them. And in a way that was like, very real and honest. And she was just speaking about the facts of her life. And yeah, it’s really cool.
SS Totally.
MP I think the fact that she was talking about those kind of taboo subjects, or things that are difficult to talk about, and that we could see that was so raw in that letter, but is now kind of so it’s like come full circle, she’s kind of healed from it. If those subjects are difficult for people to talk about or to hear myself included that conversation hearing how great she’s doing now is helpful, because it’s like yeah, she’s been through those horrible times and like really struggled with it and really beating herself up for it. But now she’s doing amazingly and she’s like, reflected on how she’s grown through that. So it gives us hope that if we go through those times, they might not be pleasant, but we will get through them like she did.
SC Yeah.
SS Ugh, Jessica, love her.
MP Thank you so much, Jessica, for talking to us about this incredibly personal and emotional part of your life. I know we say this all the time, but I am so blown away at how frank and open you were with us. And I hope this episode will play a little part in making this taboo subject a bit less scary.
MP Thank you so much Jessica for talking to us about this incredibly personal and emotional part of your life. I know we say this all the time, but I’m so blown away at how frank and open you were with us, and I hope this episode will play its little part in making this taboo subject a bit less scary.
Hope This Finds Me Well is an Edit Audio original production, hosted and produced by me! Maria Passingham, Sophie Shin, and Steph Colbourn. Our super talented team at Edit Audio helped us put this and every episode together, thank you! The music you heard in this episode is from Audio Network and thanks to Matt for creating FutureMe, and collaborating with us on this show by getting us in touch with letter writers! You can visit to write your own letter, and let us know if you have one you want to share with us, email or find the address in the shownotes as always.